© Jon Hawkins
Education Volunteering
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Discover wild escapes in Surrey this Christmas
Explore a new nature reserve for the first time this Christmas.
Nature News E-Newsletter
Learn to play, play to learn
Take children outdoors and see them thrive
LGBTQ+ History Month: Discover the life of environmentalist Rachel Carson
Every year during February, we focus on the history and resilience of LGBTQ+ communities. This month, Ben Siggery shares the story of one of the people who has inspired him the most.
My discovery
Look – a boatman! Keira’s delight in learning about unusual creatures is even more special when she can find them herself.
Nower Wood Educational Nature Reserve
A beautiful private educational nature reserve nestling in semi-ancient woodland. Nower Wood hosts our flagship education centre for schools and adult learners.
Local communities share, learn & celebrate
Surrey Wildlife Trust networking event saw community groups come together to celebrate the conclusion and legacy of the Nextdoor Nature project.
Newdigate News - seasonal work update
Nature Spaces Officer Eleanor Evetts, provides an insight into the conservation activity happening on Newdigate Brickworks reserve.