A simple map to help you quickly navigate our website.
Bluebell Photography
Develop your photography skills when taking pictures of native bluebells in an ancient woodland setting.
Protected wildlife sites
A list of the different types of protected wildlife sites in Surrey.
Surrey County Council managed sites
A list of Surrey county council managed countryside sites
Surrey Wildlife Trust owned and/or managed sites
A list of Surrey county council managed countryside sites
Little Heath Meadow
An area of wet grassland and ditches with a small pond. Managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust on behalf of The Land Trust.
Space4Nature targets new sites for 2024
Emphasis shifts to chalk grassland and parkland as Earth Observation and AI-driven conservation project enters next stage of development
Information about woodland habitats in Surrey.
The distinctive rounded wings of the lapwing are displayed beautifully when it wheels around a winter sky in a massive flock. In spring, these flocks disperse and some birds breed in the UK.…
Land caddis
The Land caddis is the only caddisfly in the UK to spend its entire time on land, with no stage in water. Look in oak leaf litter over winter to see the grainy cases of the larvae, in which they…
Planning advice
Our experienced and qualified ecologists provide professional evidence based ecological advice to Local Planning Authorities to inform the formal planning process.
NBS funding options
It may be possible to obtain funding for certain restoration or intervention works on your land when considering Nature-based Solutions.