Community resources

Planting wildlife-friendly plants

Katrina Martin / 2020VISION


Community resources

Free online resources and training to help your community group take action for local wildlife.  

 Funding opportunities The Nextdoor Nature Hub

Talks & webinars

Actions & activities

Guides and downloadable resources to support your group in taking action for nature. Read our guides, download wildlife gardening leaflets and find wildlife-friendly activity ideas.

Funding & publicity

Discover which funding opportunities are available to you, learn how to complete a funding application and understand how to make your project more appealing to potential funders.

People surveying plants

Image credit: Matthew Roberts

Apply for the Nextdoor Nature Communities Grant

Receive up to £2,000 to help save Surrey's nature! Thanks to the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Surrey Wildlife Trust are pleased to be able to offer one-off grants of up to £2,000 to help Surrey-based communities bring back nature and tackle climate change in their neighbourhood. Applications must be received by 31st July 2024. Grants must be spent by 30th September 2024.

Apply now

Video resources

Watch our videos and webinars to learn more about community action, Nature-Based Solutions and local community projects.

Sharing stories

Sometimes the most valuable resources are the stories, tips and advice shared between community groups. Read about the community projects happening across Surrey and visit The Nextdoor Nature Hub to learn about the actions people are taking for nature nationally.

Partner resources

Explore useful information from other organisations.