Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) involve working with nature in order to protect and restore ecosystems, while also addressing challenges such as climate change or flood-risk management.
There are a number of government grants and other funding mechanisms available to support this approach. This makes putting nature at the heart of land management financially as well as environmentally sustainable and beneficial.
Surrey Wildlife Trust can work with you to develop plans and identify suitable NBS that could benefit biodiversity on your site and potentially the wider community.
What are Nature-Based Solutions?
Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) involve working with nature in order to protect and restore ecosystems, while also addressing challenges such as climate change or flood-risk management.
NBS come in many shapes and sizes, from protecting or restoring existing ecosystems to new projects that protect or enhance the natural environment. These can range from the restoration of hedgerows, rivers and peatland to introducing beavers and planting woodlands.
With global biodiversity in decline and the threat of extreme weather events increasing, NBS are more important than ever. They have the potential to offer huge benefits, both to local people and to local ecosystems. These benefits include increased carbon storage, flood risk mitigation, urban cooling and improved mental health. They increase our resilience to future economic or environmental crises and help us to strive towards a net zero carbon future.
How we can help
Surrey Wildlife Trust's Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) team works with a variety of landowners and land managers in and around Surrey, helping them to identify ways in which they can manage their land better for nature.
We work closely with other teams within the Trust, meaning we can offer a broad range of experience and expertise. We can provide advice and support based on your individual needs, and we will work together with you to develop plans and identify suitable NBS that could benefit your site, local biodiversity and potentially the wider community.
Additionally, we can use an interactive mapping platform to help you map your site and give you a visual guide to management options.
To date, our clients include private estates, farms, smallholdings, vineyards, golf clubs, local authorities, communities, and more. We have also recently begun to engage with horse owners and equine businesses. Each landholding is unique, and we will therefore always aim to provide bespoke advice that is tailored to your needs.
You can read more about the work we've been doing with some of these clients below:
- Golf Clubs - Read our recently-published case study 'Beyond the Birdie - Driving Towards Greener Golf in Surrey'
- Farms - Find out about our work with farmers as part of the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF)
- Horse owners - This blog 'The Surrey Hills as a Haven for Horses and Biodiversity' was published following a series of workshops for horse owners in summer 2024. This was a collaboration between SWT, the Surrey Hills National Landscape, and Equiculture.
Meet our team
Zoe Channon
I’ve worked in conservation now for many years and joined the Land Management Team at Surrey Wildlife Trust in 2017. I’m now the Director of Business Development and Partnerships and have responsibility for all of our central Project Management, the Nature-Based Solutions Team and our Wetland Strategy which encompasses co-hosting the River Catchment Partnerships for the Mole and Wey with the South East Rivers Trust. Every day is different and fast paced and it’s truly inspiring to work with a team of people dedicated to making a difference for nature in Surrey.
Ben Habgood (BASIS-accredited Environmental Advisor)
I joined the team in 2022 as a Nature-Based Solutions Manager, however I’ve been at SWT for 8 years working in conservation land management. I have experience in areas such as livestock management and conservation grazing, management of highly designated sites for conservation, and the implementation, management and delivery of agri-environment schemes. I’ve also specialised in lowland heathland management, and have managed all of SWT’s heathland sites for the past two years. Over the years, I’ve worked with many major landowners across Surrey such as the MoD, SCC and private landowners, and more recently I’ve started working with local golf courses.
Lucy Bryce (BASIS-accredited Environmental Advisor)
I started with Surrey Wildlife Trust as a volunteer whilst working in TV, and this experience inspired me to go to Merrist Wood College and Study Conservation Management. I then completed a traineeship before going on to work with SWT in various land management roles. I now work as a Nature Based Solutions Manager and my current role involves talking to wide range of landowners about how they can help connect Surreys nature through enhancements which benefit them, local communities, and biodiversity.
Katy Fielding
Before joining the Nature-Based Solutions team full-time in 2024, I worked across both the Reserves Management and NBS/Projects teams as the Conservation Manager for SWT sites in the Central area, predominantly looking after chalk grassland sites, and as the Hedgerow Heritage project manager. I'm now a Nature-Based Solutions Manager, and having specialised in Hedgerow management, I am passionate about educating people on the benefits (ecosystem services) hedgerows can provide when managed and understood correctly. I have an MSc in Wildlife Management and Conservation and began my career with the RSPB before joining Surrey Wildlife Trust in 2016.
Emma Randall
I joined the Nature-Based Solutions team in 2022 after spending three years working as a Data Officer with the Surrey Biodiversity Information Centre (hosted by Surrey Wildlife Trust). Prior to joining SWT, I completed a BSc in Zoology and then went on to complete an MSc in Wildlife Management & Conservation. My role as NBS Officer involves managing new enquiries and supporting the day-to-day running of the team.
Emma Pelham
I completed my BSc in Environmental Science at the University of East Anglia and did a year in industry placement in the Biodiversity department at Surrey Wildlife Trust. I returned to Surrey Wildlife Trust after university, and my time was initially split between the Planning and Living Landscapes teams. Since then my role has evolved. I am now Secretary for the two catchment partnerships that we co-host, I coordinate our Riverfly and Eel monitoring and work with colleagues on other wetland projects.
Esther Hill
I started with Surrey Wildlife Trust in 2021 as a Community Engagement Officer, working with volunteers and community groups to help them take action for nature. In 2024 I moved into the Nature-based Solutions team as Project Manager to work on different projects, and support the internal projects process. Before joining SWT, I worked as a Recreation Ranger for Forestry England, after completing a BSc in Geography.
Rebecca Stossler
I joined the team in 2024 as the Business Development Manager at SWT. I studied Geography at university, where I developed a strong passion for the environment and the connections between the natural world, societies and sustainable development. In my free time, I love exploring new places and connecting with nature. I'm particularly looking forward to getting involved with Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and other Green Finance initiatives.
Work with us
There are many reasons that landowners might choose to look into NBS. You may be seeking to increase biodiversity on your land, adapt your land due to the climate crisis, are looking into the potential financial benefits, or simply want to leave a more positive legacy for future generations.
We work with a diverse range of clients, including farmers, smallholdings, golf courses and larger estates. If you would like to find out more about our services or if you have any queries, please find out more below or contact us at:
To request our services, please complete our enquiry form
Common terminology explained
Natural Capital – Natural Capital puts a value on Earth’s natural assets, such as soil, air, water and living things, in their role of providing natural services such as generating renewable energy and providing public water supplies etc.
Natural Ecosystem – Ecosystems that are naturally occurring and exist without any intervention from humans. They are self-sufficient systems where organisms freely interact with their environment.
Landscape-Scale Conservation (also known as the Ecosystem Approach) - A holistic view of land management that involves working collaboratively to achieve conservation on a large scale, with the aim of restoring natural processes to a landscape.
Natural Flood Management (NFM) - Natural Flood Management aims to restore the natural functions of rivers and water courses through techniques including creating storage ponds and installing leaky dams to help reduce flood risk for communities downstream.
Regenerative Agriculture – Sustainable farming and grazing practices that deliver high quality food production while also restoring soil health and biodiversity.
Environment Act 2021 – The UK’s new legal framework for environmental protection.
Lawton Report – This report was published in 2010 by Sir John Lawton. Its aim was to review England’s nature conservation strategy and assess whether this is capable of adapting to the challenges of a changing climate (the report found summarily that it wasn’t). You can access the report here.
Green and Blue Infrastructure - This refers to either natural or designed features that can provide environmental and societal/wellbeing benefits. Green features include parks, woodlands, allotments, and green roofs/walls, among others. Blue features include rivers, streams, wetlands and canals.
Green Finance – Structured financial activity (usually loans or investments) that support actions which benefit the environment. For more in-depth information on Green Finance, see this helpful guide: Demystifying Green Finance
Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) – Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an approach to new development that aims to leave nature in a measurably better state than it was found. From February 2024, all planning permissions granted in England will be legally required to deliver a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain. If BNG cannot be achieved on the development site, there are opportunities to deliver BNG off-site through a credits system.
BNG Units vs BNG Credits - A BNG unit refers to the output of the statutory BNG metric. There are three types of unit outputs - area units (land cover habitats), hedgerow units and watercourse units. Offsite BNG units can be sold to developers. This does not mean that the land itself is sold, but rather the developer is funding the enhancement of the habitat that comprises that unit. A statutory BNG credit is not the same as a BNG unit. Statutory credits are a last-resort option available through the government at a higher cost, and the funds will go towards projects elsewhere in the country.
Statutory BNG Metric - The tool that is legally required to be used for calculating BNG, both for developments and for landowners wishing to sell offsite BNG units on their land.
Carbon Credits - Carbon credits are a way of representing the offset or avoidance of carbon dioxide emissions. This is currently a voluntary (decentralised) market. The market is operated through Carbon Codes such as the Woodland Carbon Code and the Soil Carbon Code.
Baseline Habitat Assessment - An ecological survey that acts as a reference point for the ongoing monitoring of a site. This includes assessing the type and condition of the habitats on site and may also include a record of notable/protected species recorded during the survey. A baseline habitat assessment is required in order to sell BNG units.
Statutory Designated Sites - Statutory designated sites receive protection by means of certain legislation in recognition of their biodiversity and/or geological value (see here for a list of statutory designations).
Non-Statutory Designated Sites - Non-statutory sites are not protected by legislation but receive some protection via local authorities (see here for more information on non-statutory designations).

Photo by Mark Hamblin
NBS examples by habitat
Nature-Based Solutions can be applied across a range of landscapes

© Jon Hawkins

© Matthew Roberts
Funding options
It may be possible to obtain funding for certain restoration or intervention works on your land
Contact us
We work with a diverse range of clients, including farmers, smallholdings, golf courses and larger estates. If you would like to find out more about our services or if you have any queries, please contact us at
To request our services, please complete our enquiry form
You can also keep up to date with the projects we are working on by signing up to our quarterly newsletter.
You can unsubscribe from our mailing list at any time by clicking 'Unsubscribe' at the bottom of the newsletter or by emailing us at
NBS Privacy Policy
1. Who are we?
We are the Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) team. We can be contacted during normal office hours (typically between 9am - 5pm) at
2. Our commitment to your privacy
SWT NBS is committed to keeping the personal details of our clients and data providers safe. This notice explains how and why we use personal data, to enable you to be informed and in control of your personal information.
3. Why do we collect personal data?
We will only ever collect store and use personal data when we have an identified purpose and reason to do so. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) refers to this as a ‘lawful basis’. There are six lawful bases – of these the three that apply to our use of personal data are defined by the ICO as:
a. Consent: The individual has given us (SWT NBS) clear consent to process their personal data for a specific purpose.
b. Contract: Processing is necessary for a contract we have with an individual, or they have asked us to take specific steps before entering into a contract.
c. Legitimate interest: the processing is necessary for our legitimate interest unless there is a good reason to protect the individual’s personal data which overrides those legitimate interests.
4. Our uses of personal data
a. To fulfil any contractual obligations to our customers - We maintain records of contract details for our customers (including public sector bodies, voluntary sector organisations, individuals and commercial bodies) and will utilise this information for the fulfilment of contracts. We may contact our customers to inform them of the range of relevant products and services we offer.
b. To send you information about our work - We may send you information about our work that we feel will be of interest to you. This includes but is not limited to; newsletters, emails and information on surveys, events and training opportunities. From time to time, we may also use your personal data to ask for your opinion about our work. Anyone can opt-in to receive these updates, including individuals with whom we have a relationship under the above statement. Regardless of the legal basis on which we hold your data, we respect your right to update how, or if, we get in touch with you at any time and so you will always have the option to “opt-out”.
5. What personal data do we collect, and how do we collect it?
a. Basic information - We will only collect and hold basic information about you, including your name, postal address, telephone number and email address. This data will be collect directly from you; in person, by telephone or in writing. Occasionally this information can be obtained from external sources; however, this can only occur when you have given permission for such information to be shared.
b. Sensitive personal data - We do not normally collect or store sensitive personal data about our clients. However, there are some situations where this may need to occur. If we do collect sensitive data it will be made clear to the client why it is required and only with the specific consent and permission.
c. Children and young people - In line with data protection law, we will not collect, store or process your personal details if you are under 13 years of age; unless we have the express permission from your parent or legal guardian to do so.
d. Geospatial data – We may ask for and collect geospatial data where it is directly relevant to an enquiry made by a client. This can include land ownership boundaries, Single Business Identifier (SBI) numbers, and/or any other geospatial data relating to land assets. We will also use this data for internal tracking purposes, such as tracking towards our 30by30 targets. This is not classed as personally identifiable data, however these details will be stored confidentially and will not be shared with external parties unless you have given permission for such information to be shared.
6. How do we store your data?
a. Security - All of the personal data we hold will be stored accordance with the guidance issued by the ICO. Paper records are stored securely within our premises. Electronic data are stored on secure computer systems and we control who has access to information (using both physical and electronic means). We have set data protection procedures which are required to be followed when handling personal data.
b. Payment security - Payment for services will be processed via the Surrey Wildlife Trust invoice/ finance systems. In all cases any personal data collected as part of these transactions is stored safely and securely in line with Surrey Wildlife Trust’s policies and procedures.
c. Data retention security - We will only use and store information for as long as it is required for the purposes to which it was collected.
7. Your rights - We respect your right to control your data.
Your rights include:
a. The right to be informed: This privacy notice outlines how we capture, store and use your data. If you have any questions about any elements of this policy please contact us.
b. The right to access: If you wish to obtain a record of the personal data we hold about you, through a Subject Access request, we will respond within one month.
c. The right to rectification: if we have captured information about you that is inaccurate or incomplete, we will update it on request.
d. The right to erasure: You can ask us to remove your personal details from our records.
e. The right to restrict processing: You can ask us to stop using your data.
f. The right to data portability: You can ask to obtain your personal data from us for your own purpose.
g. The right to object: You can ask to be excluded from marketing activity.
h. Rights in relation to automated decisions making and profiling. For more information on your individual rights, please visit the ICO’s website.
8. Making a complaint
SWT NBS aspires to a high professional standard in all of its business activities; however, we accept that there may be times when we do not meet our own high standards. When this happens, we would always wish to be informed, in order to deal with the situation as quickly as possible and put in place measures to prevent similar events from occurring again. Should you have a complaints about the use of your personal data by us, please contact us immediately (see section 10 for contact details).
We take complaints very seriously and will ensure that:
a. Everyone in our organisation knows what to do if a complaint is issued.
b. All complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely fashion.
c. Complaints are, wherever possible, resolved and relationships are repaired.
d. We learn from complaints and feedback to help us to improve what we do.
Confidentiality – All complaint information will be handled sensitively, and in line with relevant data protection requirements.
Responsibility – Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the Head of Projects and Partnerships (Zoe Channon), or where the complaint may relate to the Head of Projects and Partnerships, the CEO (Sarah-Jane Chimbwandira).
Information Commissioner’s Office – For further assistance with complaints regarding your data, please contact the Information Commissioner’s Office, whose remit covers the UK.
Via Post: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF
Via telephone: 0303 123 1113
Via Email:
9. Leaving our website
We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any websites linked to our website. If you have followed a link from our website to another website you may be supplying information to a third party.
10. Getting in touch
Should you wish to find out more abaout the information we hold about you, or about our privacy policy, please contact us.
Via Post: Surrey Wildlife Trust, School Lane, Pirbright, Woking, Surrey, GU24 0JN
Via Email:
We will regularly review and update this privacy notice Version.
Privacy notice v1.0 Created 17/03/2023
You can see some of the landowners and land managers that we have worked with on the map below. Note that only those who have given permission are displayed on the map.