30 Days Wild

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Stay Wild

Sign-up for the next 30 Days Wild challenge from May 1st 2025

The UK's biggest nature challenge!

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge where we ask the nation to do one 'wild' thing a day every day throughout June.

Your daily wild activities can be anything you like - you might be having breakfast with the birds on Monday, feeling the grass between your toes on Tuesday, and watching wildlife webcams on Wednesday. There’s no set structure, so you can take part in a way that suits you. Alongside benefiting your local wildlife, taking part in 30 Days Wild is scientifically proven to make you feel happier, healthier, and more connected to nature.

Anyone can take part in 30 Days Wild, we even have free resources for schools, care homes and businesses. Sign-up for the next 30 Days Wild challenge from May 1st 2025.

Find out more

Embrace the outdoors with The Wildlife Trusts' 30 Days Wild challenge! Imagine a month dedicated to exploring the wonders of nature, from the majestic red kites soaring above to the humble bees buzzing in our gardens.
Iolo Williams
Vice President of The Wildlife Trusts and Wildlife TV Presenter