Professional services

Bat surveyor

© Tom Marshall

Professional services

Wildlife expertise

The Trust offers a number of professional services including ecological and planning advice  to help fund our conservation work. We are also home to the Surrey Biodiversity Information Centre (SBIC), the county's local environmental records centre.

A common and soprano pipistrelle bat snuggled in a gap on a roof

Tom Marshall

Ecology Services

Surrey Wildlife Trust's in-house ecological consultancy service, SWT Ecology Services provides expert ecological advice and species surveys to business and homeowners across Surrey and the South East.


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Conservation field margin

Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Nature-Based Solutions

Surrey Wildlife Trust can work with you to develop plans and identify suitable NBS that could benefit biodiversity on your site and potentially the wider community.

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Town centre

© Tom Marshall

Planning advice

We offer professional ecology advice into the planning system through direct consultation with Local Authorities

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Green winged orchid

© Paul Lane

Records centre

Surrey Wildlife Trust hosts the Surrey Biodiversity Information Centre (SBIC), the county's local environmental records centre.

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Become a corporate supporter

Support the Trust's vital conservation and education projects and programmes across the county, including habitat restoration, species protection and maintaining our nature reserves.

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