New beginnings
Watch our bird box livestream during nesting season and follow the journey of breeding birds from egg laying to the moment of fledging.
When will I see nesting birds?
Nest building usually starts in late March, although changes in climate seem to be affecting some nesting times. Eggs are normally laid in April or early May.
You may also notice birds such as Blue Tits and Great Tits using the nest box for shelter during the winter months.
What species of bird will I see?
The nest box is suitable for small birds such as Blue Tits, Great Tits, Coal Tits and Marsh Tits.
When will the chicks fledge?
Most small birds take between 10 days and 2 weeks to hatch, and the same amount of time again to fledge.
Will all the chicks survive?
Sometimes one or more of the chicks may not survive. This could be for a number of reasons, including disease, extreme weather, a shortage of suitable food or the death of one of the parent birds. This can be upsetting, but we will let nature take its course. We turn off the camera if an active nest is abandoned.
When is the next box cleaned out?
The nest box is cleaned out in time for the new nesting season (February-August).

© Mark Hamblin/2020VISION