
© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography



The beauty of Bluebells

Not many wildlife spectacles can beat the overwhelming beauty of swathes of violet Bluebells under the pale green of newly opened leaves.

Vann Lake

Vann Lake: A Legacy Story

In 2023, we received a generous donation from a local resident and SWT member, enabling the purchase of an acre of additional land at our Vann Lake reserve

Ben and Mike in Denmark

Heathland preservation: a pan-European priority

SWT’s GIS, Research and Monitoring Manager Ben Siggery explores the finding from international conference "A Place for the Heathlands?”, which he and Director of Research and Monitoring Mike…

Kate Bigwood and Pepper the Pig

Sustainable farming with Kate Bigwood

Kate Bigwood, a Surrey-based farmer with a passion for nature, is working with us on one of our NEIRF 3 projects. We recently caught up with Kate to ask her more about her work on the farm and her…


Helping heathlands thrive

Our volunteers and reserves officers have been undertaking vital practical conservation measures on our heathland reserves - all of which is made possible by our kind donors, including those who…
