How to gain new skills in the new year
Thinking about developing new skills in the new year? In this blog, Surrey Wildlife Trust's Adult Learning Officer, Susan O'Regan, explains how Surrey Wildlife Trust's range of…
Thinking about developing new skills in the new year? In this blog, Surrey Wildlife Trust's Adult Learning Officer, Susan O'Regan, explains how Surrey Wildlife Trust's range of…
As part of her work experience at the Trust, sixth form student Greta provided this helpful fact file about Woodlarks...
Winter migration could be happening right now in your garden!
Back in September 2021, Elaine Brindley from Royal Holloway University, started as a placement student with Surrey Wildlife Trust.
My name is Ness; I am a placement student volunteering with Surrey Wildlife Trust during my ‘year-in-industry’ and I am proud to share my journey with the Trust from my first visit in 2019 as a…
An interview with Trust volunteer Liz Edwards for Volunteers' Week
When they learnt about Surrey Wildlife Trust and what they do, Krystyna and Lottie, thought it would be the perfect place to undertake their work experience.
The new natural history GCSE will tackle the biggest issue of our time – the loss of nature and our connection to it
A closer look at a day in the life of education officer Lizzie Foster on International Women's Day
In a rapidly urbanising world, I feel outdoor education is a vital tool that can be utilised to nurture environmental connections and potentially change the way people interact with the natural…