Blog: Conservation


Ben and Mike in Denmark

Heathland preservation: a pan-European priority

SWT’s GIS, Research and Monitoring Manager Ben Siggery explores the finding from international conference "A Place for the Heathlands?”, which he and Director of Research and Monitoring Mike…

Kate Bigwood and Pepper the Pig

Sustainable farming with Kate Bigwood

Kate Bigwood, a Surrey-based farmer with a passion for nature, is working with us on one of our NEIRF 3 projects. We recently caught up with Kate to ask her more about her work on the farm and her…

Gorilla jumping spider

Surrey is spider central

Don’t tell me you’ve not seen any spiders lately, for it’s at this time of year they’re most visible.


The psychology of donating

Third year Zoology student Torben discusses the finding of his undergraduate project undertaken at Royal Holloway University of London.

Chalk grassland at Sheepleas

Written in Chalk

Work Experience Student Oscar charts his experience helping to care for our rare chalk grasslands.
