Blog: Rivers


Common Blue Damselfly

Wild by the water

Lakes, rivers, canals and streams are brimming with wildlife to discover!


Looking below the surface…

It does not occur to many when looking at freshwater lakes and ponds, to consider what lays a little deeper.

Cased caddisfly larva

Riverflies: the canaries of the river

Maddy Simmonds, zoologist and passionate science communicator, recently volunteered on a riverfly monitoring training day. Here, she tells us what the day entailed.


The Return of Beavers to Surrey

When I first started working for the Surrey Wildlife Trust back in 2013, I remember sitting in stunned silence when an officer from the Environment Agency suggested that one day beavers could be…

water vole wildlife trust

The water vole

Kelly Hollings, Restoring Ratty Project Officer for Northumberland Wildlife Trust, explores the habits of these much-loved mammals.


Celebrating wetlands – where land meets water

We may be a ‘wet’ nation, but wetlands – wildlife-rich, carbon-capturing oases – are in shorter supply than you might think. Wetlands have largely been removed from our landscape, and this loss is…

Signal Crayfish

Aliens in the undergrowth

Our rivers play host to a number of unwelcome invaders that have a negative effect on these delicate ecosystems.
