During autumn nature has one last burst of energy before the cold days and long nights of winter.
Summer migrant birds have now left and winter thrushes, waders and waterfowl begin to flock to our shores. Fabulous displays of fungi emerge from woodland floors and the tree canopy turns a variety of dazzling autumn shades. Small mammals cram berries and nuts, whilst deer begin to rut.
Autumn in Surrey is an amazing time to experience wildlife. As England's most wooded county, you're never far from a beautiful autumnal woodland reserve to experience the season at its best.
Top autumn wildlife experiences
© Les Binns
Fabulous fungi
Autumn is the best time to go in search of fungi and you may well be surprised at just how many you find!

© Katrina Martin / 2020VISION
Wonderful woodlands
Whether its hunting for conkers, kicking through drifts of leaves or witnessing stunning sunsets, Autumn is a magical time of year to experience woodlands.

© Jon Hawkins
Bird migration
From avian visitors arriving in autumn to spend the winter in the UK, to passage migrants stopping over on their long journey north or south, bird migration is one of the UK’s most impressive natural events.

© Paul Harris/2020VISION
Blooming heather
Look for large swathes of heather on Surrey's heaths, where its delicate, loosely arranged pink flowers attract all kinds of nectar-loving insects.