Blog: Heathland


Gorilla jumping spider

Surrey is spider central

Don’t tell me you’ve not seen any spiders lately, for it’s at this time of year they’re most visible.

Grayling butterfly

Saving the Grayling

Small, brown and unobtrusive, The Grayling is a rare butterfly that is in danger of disappearing for good.

Heather - a heathland hero

As we develop the satellite and AI-based tools that will drive the success of the Space4Nature project, our staff and volunteers are moving into a new habitat for surveying – heathlands.

A young man and woman sit amongst flowering heather, with a dog on a lead sat beside them. The woman has her hands on the dog, whilst the man looks through a pair of binoculars.

Paws for thought

The UK is a nation of both dog lovers and nature lovers, but are those two passions compatible? We spoke to some Wildlife Trust staff who balance both.

Wildfire damage to Chobham Common

Wildfires: An Introduction

Wildfires are a growing threat. Wildfires are no longer just a summer occurrence; they are increasingly becoming a winter problem too, and not only in faraway places.
