Fascinating flying ants
Sara Booth-Card, ecologist, peatlands and Action For Insects campaigner at The Wildlife Trusts, looks out for the telltale signs of flying ant days and shares her love for the underground world of…
At the end of summer wasps are an uninvited guest at our picnics and BBQs, but what are the point of these party-pooping insects?
The UK looks set to see the largest Waxwing irruption in a decade this winter
Guest blogger, Dominic, tells us all he knows about Peregrine Falcons as part of his work experience with Surrey Wildlife Trust
As part of Nextdoor Nature, Surrey Wildlife Trust is working with St Clare’s Church in Guildford to bring the benefits of green spaces into people’s lives.
Our Nextdoor Nature project has launched!
As December comes to a close and many of us start to think about the new year, you may be wondering what to do with your Christmas tree. It is estimated that over 8 million trees are sold in the…
Working together to bring wildlife to our neighbourhood.
Neighbourhoods are turning blue in a bid to go green.