Emma Bradshaw
Little Heath Meadow
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Always openBest time to visit
May-SeptemberAbout the reserve
Little Heath Meadow is a SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace) and is managed on behalf of The Land Trust.
As this is a newly created reserve, the flora and fauna will develop over time, so please share your sightings!
The site is part of a wider SANG and mainly consists of grassland areas surrounded by a system of ditches and a small pond.
Habitats include tussocky wet grassland and riparian grassland (area between the grassland and ditch). The site has mainly young oak and birch with more mature trees on the fringes. Areas of scrub stands provide shelter, foraging and nesting opportunities.
Willow, birch, apple and occasional oaks sit within the grassland areas and along the ditch edges.
Red Kite and buzzard are often seen overhead and the site offers opportunities for nesting and feeding birds and many small mammals are present.
During the winter the ground is very wet so you may need your wellies!