
Photographs taken under licence - Vaughn Matthews (please also tag @vaughnmatthews8 if using on Instagram or @VaughnMatthews2 on Twitter)


Discover Surrey's wildlife

England's most wooded county, Surrey is impressively diverse and possibly the richest of all land-locked counties in terms of numbers of recorded species.

We have a stunning mixture of landscapes to explore in Surrey, from the beautiful chalk meadows and rolling hills of the North Downs, to the vast heathlands of the Thames Basin and sprawling wetlands in the east of the county.

The sites we manage for wildlife represent some of the best examples of these habitats and are home to nationally and internationally rare animals and plants.

Raft spider

© Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION

Surrey's wildlife

Discover more about Surrey's iconic wildlife species.

Learn more

©Stefan Johansson

How to identify...

Learn how to recognise a variety of wildlife species, their tracks, calls and other identifying features.

Bird box

© Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION

Helping wildlife at home

From building a bug hotel to creating a wildlife pond, use our easy to follow guides to transform your patch into a haven for nature.

Watch live
Urban hedgehog

© Tom Marshall

Wildlife advice

Discover the answers to a range of frequently asked wildlife questions on a variety of topics.

Learn more

Join us and help protect Surrey's wild places

Your membership will support the Trust's vital conservation work across the county, including habitat restoration, species protection and maintaining our nature reserves.

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