Update your details

Staying in touch

Please let us know of any changes to your name, address, email or telephone numbers so that we can continue to stay in touch with you.

I would like to
Emails about your membership, our AGM and other critical updates will be sent only to the lead member on a membership as standard

Your details

Are you currently a member of Surrey Wildlife Trust?

Old address details

We require this information to identify you on our database.

New address details

Please complete the fields that require updating.
Do you wish to update these details on your Gift Aid Declaration?

Old and new email address

We need this to identify you on our database

Old and new phone numbers

We need this to identify you in our database

Your own email and additional email address

Communications will continue to go to the email address(es) we already have on our database. If you wish to receive emails to this new address, please specify in the comments section below.
We need this to identify you on our database

Additional adult to receive membership communications

This must be another adult on your membership, please ensure that you have their permission before submitting this form. If  you wish for someone else to receive email communications on your behalf then please contact the Membership team at membership@surreywt.org.uk or on 01483 795445.

New surname

Your privacy

Surrey Wildlife Trust will use your email address to contact you about how you can help protect Surrey’s wildlife. We promise never to sell or swap your details and you can opt out at any time. Click here to view our Privacy Policy.