Stringer's Common

Oak Leaf

© Ross Hoddinott/2020VISION

Stringer's Common

A mixed woodland that is part of the Worplesdon Group of Commons. Public access managed by Surrey County Council, conservation managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust


Salt Box Road
Nearest postcode: GU4 7PX

OS Map Reference


View on What3Words

A static map of Stringer's Common

Know before you go

30 hectares

Parking information

Car parks off Salt Box Road


Public access managed by Surrey County Council, conservation managed by Surrey Wildlife Trust

Not suitable for wheelchair users or those with limited mobility


Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

June to August

About the reserve

Stringers Common is part of the The Worplesdon group of commons, which comprises eight commons within the parish of Worplesdon near Guildford.

The commons are an invaluable resource for local communities who use the land for recreation and support vital habitats for protected wildlife including rare heathland, as well as woodland, grassland and wetland of national and local importance.

Once grazed common land, Stringers Common It is much smaller than the adjacent Whitmoor Common and comprised of mixed woodland habitat. it is still important for heathland wildlife and is designated an SNCI (Site of Nature Conservation Importance).

More site info from SCC

Contact us

Surrey County Council
Contact number: 0300 200 1003
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