Community Action for Nature Webinars

Two young women are building bird boxes in an urban nature reserve

Building a bird box © Broni Lloyd-Edwards

What's On

Community Action for Nature Webinar Series

Watch our webinar recordings

Whether it’s a community wildflower meadow, a restored pond, or a native hedgerow in a playground, a range of natural environments are easy to create. With proven health and economic benefits, nature also provides vital services to local places including flood prevention, pollination, and carbon storage.

Learn from established community groups and industry experts about simple actions to support wildlife and people to flourish across Surrey. Let’s give nature a chance to fight back and make all our lives safer, healthier, and more enjoyable!

These webinars are part of the Wilder Communities programme that seeks to highlight how local people are working together to bring nature into everyone’s daily life, wherever they live and whatever their backgrounds, beliefs, or interests.


We are planning two workshops in spring 2023, to provide further support to community groups, and an opportunity for communities to link together.


Community conference

We hope to run a conference in the summer of 2023, to help connect community groups with other key stakeholders.

We will publish the details as soon as possible.

Previous webinars in this series

Watch recordings of our previous Community Action webinars below.

Webinar 1 recording: Community action for nature

Wondering about the state of nature and how communities can help? Nature is struggling globally, but community action can have a significant impact on the local environment and improve the critical state of nature.

In this opening webinar, discover why community action is so important for the future of Surrey’s wildlife.

  • Find out about the current global state of nature
  • Gain insights into ongoing work to restore and protect wild places in Surrey
  • Learn how communities can support nature locally
  • Become inspired by stories of community action for nature
  • Feel encouraged to act for nature as a community

Watch recording

Webinar 1 reading list

Webinar 2 recording: How to increase habitat biodiversity

Wondering how you can protect and help wildlife in Surrey?

Discover inspiring solutions to help increase the diversity and number of animal and plant life within community spaces.

Join our expert speakers to find out:

  • The importance of pollinators in your neighbourhood
  • How to improve areas for wildlife in your local community
  • The protected species and landscapes in Surrey

Watch recording

Webinar 2 reading list

Webinar 3 recording: Choosing an environmental intervention

Thursday 1st December 5.30 pm - 6.45 pm

Discover insights into exciting projects you could start in your local area.

Join our expert speakers to find out:

  • Project ideas to help nature in your community space
  • How to avoid pesticides
  • Key dates for conservation actions throughout the year

Watch recording

Webinar 3 reading list

Webinar 4 recording: Connectivity – understanding Surrey’s landscape

Wednesday 25th January 3.30 pm - 4.45 pm

Speaker Biographies

Wondering how communities in different locations can help connect landscapes across Surrey? In our fourth and final webinar, we will discuss the vital role that communities can play in improving and linking up green spaces for wildlife to recover.

Join our expert speakers to find out about:

- Creating green corridors across Surrey
- A tool for landscape recovery
- The wonderful world of hedgerows

Watch recording