© Zanna Davidson
Acquisition of Pewley Down Fields
Please help purchase this land for wildlife
Why is this important?
The New Warren Farm auction represents an opportunity for the local community to help secure and protect Pewley Down Fields from future development with the aim to:
Set aside the majority for nature conservation; Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) will develop, and implement a long-term conservation management plan, |
Offer environmental education opportunities; Holy Trinity Pewley Down School will take over 1.5 acres of land bordering their premises for environmental education with suitable covenants to prevent structural development, and |
Provide additional amenity space for local people; it is proposed to allow appropriate public access along strips of the northern, western and southern boundaries of the land to the west of the Warren Farm–Pewley Down right of way, and along the southern border of the land to the east of this right of way, with the inclusion of an interpretative viewing area. |
How will Surrey Wildlife Trust use your donation
Contributing to the bid to purchase of Pewley Down Fields, New Warren Farm Lot 3 (Farmland of 37.55 acres), |
Repair or removal of infrastructure including fencing, barn, access and tree safety works, |
Ongoing management of the land for the benefit of nature and community use for nature. |
Offline donation form

© Guy Edwards/2020VISION