To register your interest in volunteering please complete our online registration form below. We will then contact you further to get you started. Your details Title - Select -MrMrsMsMissMxDrProfPrefer Not to Say First Name Last name Age? Name of parent or guardian who will be volunteering with you Your parent or guardian must also register to volunteer and complete an online volunteer registration form before we can consider your application. Parent Consent form Please upload your completed parent consent form here or email it to The form can be found at the bottom of the page. One file only.100 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, xml, avi, mov, mp3, mp4, ogg, wav, bz2, dmg, gz, jar, rar, sit, svg, tar, zip. Date of birth Address line 1 Address line 2 Town County Postcode Phone number Email address Are you a member of Surrey Wildlife Trust? Yes No Your availability When are you available to help us? Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Sundays How often are you able to help us? Occasionally Regularly Do you have transport? Yes No What would you like to help us with? Space4Nature project Practical conservation activities Events We host multiple events throughout the year and will be in contact once we need support Nower Wood Education Centre (Leatherhead) This activity takes place mostly on week days Livestock checking Administration What would you like to help us with? Space4Nature project Practical conservation activities Events We host multiple events throughout the year and will be in contact once we need support Nower Wood Education Centre (Leatherhead) This activity takes place mostly on week days What would you like to help us with? Space4Nature project Practical conservation activities Events We host multiple events throughout the year and will be in contact once we need support Nower Wood Education Centre (Leatherhead) This activity takes place mostly on week days Livestock checking Administration Youth Action Committee You can be a member of our Youth Action Committee if you are aged What would you like to help us with? Space4Nature project Practical conservation activities Events We host multiple events throughout the year and will be in contact once we need support Nower Wood Education Centre (Leatherhead) This activity takes place mostly on week days Youth Action Committee About you What experience, skills and personal qualities could you bring to the Trust? Do you have any illnesses or disabilities that you'd like to bring to our attention? Yes No Please specify (Please note that it is up to you to inform the task leader if you have any illnesses, disabilities or allergies that might affect you whilst volunteering) Your details will be held on the Surrey Wildlife Trust database and will be used for the purpose of supporting you as an SWT volunteer. You will receive quarterly e-newsletters, annual social invites and other communications to keep you up to date with volunteering. If you provide an email address, these will be emailed to you. We promise never to sell or swap your details. Opt out at any time. View our privacy policy on our website I understand I understand that I will be added to Surrey Wildlife Trust's volunteer email list to receive weekly updates on practical conservation days I understand We’d love to keep you updated by email about Surrey Wildlife Trust and send you useful information on how you can get involved and help protect wildlife in Surrey. Yes please – I want to help wildlife in Surrey No thanks, not interested Surrey Wildlife Trust will use your email address to contact you about how you can help protect Surrey’s wildlife. We promise never to sell or swap your details and you can opt out at any time. Click here to view our Privacy Policy. We’d love to keep you updated by email about our Youth Movement and what you can do as a young person to take action to help protect wildlife in Surrey. Yes please – I want to help wildlife in Surrey No thanks, not interested Leave this field blank Volunteering Parental Consent Form Volunteer Parent Consent Form