Wilder Communities

Community tending a garden

© Penny Dixie

Wilder Communities

Nature is struggling globally, but community action can significantly impact the local environment and improve biodiversity everywhere.

The Wilder Communities programme is committed to helping community groups across Surrey restore and protect local wildlife. Every community can contribute to our goal of reviving nature, and your support is crucial to our success!

What is Wilder Communities?

If you want to start a project that helps nature in your local area and involves others in your community, then we can provide guidance to help you along the way.

We can help you by providing:

  • Training courses are available on a range of topics (we are currently offering two free spaces on a number of our adult learning courses).
  • Free online resources.
  • A loan box to borrow useful surveying equipment (coming soon!).
  • Invitations to Wilder Community events.
  • Opportunity to join a network of like-minded communities.
  • Points of advice, or we may be able to come and visit you.
  • Ecology Services walk-over, mapping habitats, undertaking a condition assessment, and report service, to advise on the measure to manage the habitats, for a set fee.
  • Wilder Communities awards.

Sign up to Wilder Communities

Feeling inspired? Sign up to our Wilder Communities Programme to receive useful information on how you can help protect wildlife in your neighbourhood. This will include updates on free training courses and invitations to community events.

Complete enquiry form

Planting wildlife-friendly plants

Katrina Martin / 2020VISION

Community Champion Awards

Shine a light on your group's achievements and nominate your community for an award.

Find out more
Community hedge planting

© Richard Osbourne

Community talks & webinars

Hear from established community groups and industry experts. Find out how simple actions can help people and wildlife flourish across Surrey.

Watch the recordings
Bee home

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Community resources

Whether you're just starting out, or part of an establish group, our library of resources and webinars can help you along the way.

Get started

Community videos

Click on the below tiles to watch videos of Surrey community groups. Learn more about their inspiring contributions to nature conservation!

What's happening now

The latest community news and blogs.