Which actions have the biggest impact for nature

Which actions have the biggest impact for nature

Tom Marshall

Over the past nine months, Research Fellow Sarah Papworth has been working to identify which actions can have the biggest impact for nature.

In April 2024, I left my usual role as a Reader at Royal Holloway, University of London, and started a one year placement as an Action for Nature Fellow at Surrey Wildlife Trust.

There are so many things people can do to help nature, but sometimes having so many options can feel overwhelming. Over the past nine months, I’ve been working to identify which actions can have the biggest impact for nature, as well as actions which perhaps have a smaller impact, but are easier to do.

In December 2024, I had the privilege of attending the British Ecological Society’s Annual Meeting in Liverpool, to present some of this work. 

Although it’s run by The British Ecological Society, the Annual Meeting welcomes more than 1200 ecologists from around the world who work in universities, charities, business and in government. We come together to learn about new research, resources and tools, attend workshops and meet others working on similar projects. This year I chatted to attendees from Kew Gardens, the National Trust and Natural England, to name just a few. 

I went to the meeting to share the work I’ve been doing with Surrey Wildlife Trust, and was really happy with the positive questions and interactions – I spent almost the entire two hour poster session talking about the project.

Sarah Papworth next a list of top actions for nature

It seems a lot of other individuals and organisations have been wondering the same thing – which actions have the biggest impact for nature? Some of you may have noticed the answers in the photo above!

I shared the top nine actions for ecological impact in the poster, and the top three were herbicide and pesticide free gardening, choosing biodiversity friendly investments and reducing fossil fuel use.

Of course, not everyone can do all these actions – if you don’t have a garden you won’t be using herbicide or pesticides anyway, and if you’re struggling with the cost of living then you won’t have money for any kind of investing. However, across the 63 different actions we evaluated, we hope there is something for everyone, no matter their circumstances.

If you’re wondering what else you could do to help nature, why not try one of the top nine actions from the photo, or look at the full list in our recent report about the project? 

Sarah Papworth

Actions for Nature Fellow


Tom Marshall

How to take action for nature