No public access

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
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When to visit
Opening times
Closed - access by prior permission onlyBest time to visit
Not applicableAbout the reserve
Probably one of the most species-rich chalk grassland reserves in Surrey, this private nature reserve is situated on chalk scarpland with thick patches of hawthorn scrub.
The open areas are managed as chalk downland and include spotted, fragrant, pyramidal, fly, man, bee and greater butterfly orchids in addition to a rich variety of typical chalkland plants.
Much of the Trust's conservation work concentrates on scrub clearance which is necessary to maintain and increase the chalk downland habitat.
A large area of woodland also stretches from the north-west to the south-east of the reserve and is composed predominantly of beech and ash with field maple, whitebeam, hazel and spindle.
Both the woodland and open grassland are rich in insects, especially butterflies and over 56 species of birds have been recorded on the reserve.
This site is closed to the public.