© Kieron Huston
Quarry Hanger
A species rich chalk grassland reserve on the slopes of the North Downs.
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
May to OctoberAbout the reserve
The chalk downland of Quarry Hangers is a diverse habitat; you can find as many as 40 different plant species within a square meter!
Various species of orchid can be found on the site, including bee and man orchid. More common species that are typical of chalk grassland include birdsfoot trefoil, marjoram, milkwort, wild thyme, salad burnet, wild basil and wild strawberry.
Butterflies such as the common blue, green veined white, painted lady and small skipper can also be seen fluttering amongst the flowers.
Quarry Hangers supports a number of bird species and is a good place to see buzzards and to listen out for the distinctive song of the skylark.
Contact us
Contact number: 01483 795440
Contact email: info@surreywt.org.uk