Space4Nature receives Nature & Environment award

Space4Nature receives Nature & Environment award

On Wednesday 12 June, the Space4Nature team were the proud winners of the Nature and Environment category at the 2024 Geospatial Innovation Awards.

Huge congratulations to the Space4Nature team, winners of the Nature and Environment category on Wednesday 12 June at the 2024 Geospatial Innovation Awards, which recognise excellence in the practical use of geographical data. Here’s Research and Monitoring Officer Viki Webster at the awards ceremony in London.

Viki says: “We know that we won’t give nature a full chance of recovery unless we work together to end the fragmentation of habitats on a large scale – and as Space4Nature develops, I think the model we’re developing could have huge application nationally and internationally. If we create corridors full of biodiversity, people as well as wildlife could benefit hugely and of course we’ll be much more resilient against the effects of climate change.

"It’s wonderful to have been honoured with this award and I have to say I’m hugely impressed with what I have heard from all the other entrants. It’s great that such energy and intelligence is being applied to finding solutions to the huge environmental problems we face.

"Space4Nature is a really exciting project and I’m proud to be associated with it alongside our partners at University of Surrey, Buglife and Painshill Park Trust.

"I’d also like to say thanks anyone who has volunteered with us – about 150 citizen scientists so far have given their time, and I hope many more will join us this summer and in the years ahead…."

Space4Nature is made possible thanks to players of People’s Postcode Lottery and further investment from the Garfield Weston Foundation.

Find out more about Space4Nature.