© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

© Josh Raper / Conservation Media

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

© Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Wallis Wood
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open at all timesBest time to visit
April to OctoberAbout the reserve
A secluded and picturesque woodland reserve in the heart of the Surrey Hills AONB, Wallis Wood is a typical example of a Weald Clay hazel coppice woodland with oak standards.
A gentle stream threads its way through the reserve, which is surrounded on one side by meadow pasture.
A variety of woodland flora can be found including carpets of bluebells, broad-leaved helleborine orchid, common spotted orchid, primroses, violet helleborine orchid, wood anemone and the rare wild daffodil.
Both species of British oak are present together with ash, hornbeam, Midlands hawthorn, wild apple, wild cherry and wild service tree.
The reserve features many woodland butterflies, including purple emperor, purple hairstreak, silver-washed fritillary, white admiral and speckled wood. A particular rarity of the reserve is the spider Hyptiotes paradoxus, which makes its home in yew trees and is only recorded in one other site in Surrey. Dormouse have been also been recorded on the reserve.
Although Wallis Wood has no vehicle access, The Scarlet Arms pub up the road are happy for visitors to use their car park. Why not pop in for a pub lunch after your visit.