Blog: Marcus Wehrle

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography


Cased caddisfly larva

Riverflies: the canaries of the river

Maddy Simmonds, zoologist and passionate science communicator, recently volunteered on a riverfly monitoring training day. Here, she tells us what the day entailed.

Unstead Nature Reserve

Restoring the flow

Thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, Unstead nature reserve is a wetland once more.

Scabious on Sheepleas nature reserve

Sowing the seeds of 30by30

An exciting new partnership that reflects The Wildlife Trusts’ call for at least 30% of our land and sea to be connected and protected for nature’s recovery by 2030.

Red Deer on heathland

Return of the native

In 2010 we helped launch one of the largest single-site conservation projects in southern England: the return of red deer to 720 hectares of heathland in Surrey. Over a decade later, we assess its…

Emily Hawker

Lost in the woods

In a rapidly urbanising world, I feel outdoor education is a vital tool that can be utilised to nurture environmental connections and potentially change the way people interact with the natural…

Dandelions in lawn

Give weeds a chance

Leave caterpillar food plants to grow and see butterflies thrive

Wildfire on Chobham Common

The burning issue

Controlling fire is essential to preserving Surrey’s unique heathland wildlife
