Written in Chalk
Work Experience Student Oscar charts his experience helping to care for our rare chalk grasslands.
© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography
Work Experience Student Oscar charts his experience helping to care for our rare chalk grasslands.
Youth Action Committee member Faith shares her experience watching and photographing Roe Deer
Flies aren’t first on many lists of ‘nature’s wonders’, but they play a very important role in the creation of ecosystems and habitats all around the world.
Last month, we welcomed 80 customers and staff members from Surrey Choices - a charity which supports those with disabilities - to Bonhurst Farm in Guildford for a fun-filled day.
Local Surrey community group ‘Friends of Pewley Meadows’ are raising money to install a viewfinder on this precious chalk grassland site.
Uncovering moth-plant pollination networks on calcareous grassland for the first time in Surrey
Recording what can be found where is a vital component of effective conservation.
Steph Boore takes us through a typical week in the life of an SWT Reserves Officer during the winter months.
“Say ‘YES’ to new things, put yourself out of your comfort zone and listen to people who are willing to share their experiences –”
Trust staff and volunteers got buzzing for bumble bees this year.