Blog: Surrey Wildlife Trust

© Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography


Chalk grassland at Sheepleas

Written in Chalk

Work Experience Student Oscar charts his experience helping to care for our rare chalk grasslands.

Waiting for Roe

Youth Action Committee member Faith shares her experience watching and photographing Roe Deer

Hornet mimic hoverfly

Fascinating flies

Flies aren’t first on many lists of ‘nature’s wonders’, but they play a very important role in the creation of ecosystems and habitats all around the world.

 Feathered Gothic Moths

Moths & Meadows

Uncovering moth-plant pollination networks on calcareous grassland for the first time in Surrey

IWD banner

Women in Wildlife Conservation

“Say ‘YES’ to new things, put yourself out of your comfort zone and listen to people who are willing to share their experiences –”
