Blog: Volunteering


Volunteer spotlight

An interview with Trust volunteer Liz Edwards for Volunteers' Week

Wild Work Experience

When they learnt about Surrey Wildlife Trust and what they do, Krystyna and Lottie, thought it would be the perfect place to undertake their work experience.


How to lay a hedge

Hedgelaying is a traditional skill which used to be commonly practised by farmers during the quieter winter months, between November and March, when plants lie dormant.

laid hedge at Manor Farm, Surrey

Surrey's Heritage Treasures

Some 52% of hedgerows in Britain were lost after WWII, but the many benefits of hedgerows are being recognised once again

Hedgelaying season is underway!

November saw the start of both hedge planting and hedge laying for Surrey Wildlife Trust’s Hedgerow Heritage Project.

Living sustainably as a young person

If you’ve been keeping up with recent news, with the COP26 conference and increasing concern for climate change, it is clear we need to adapt our ways of life to help the future environment thrive…

Unstead Nature Reserve

Restoring the flow

Thanks to a dedicated group of volunteers, Unstead nature reserve is a wetland once more.
